dimanche 25 décembre 2011

Aerosol and Factor VIII (Hemophilia Factor)

Method of production of drugs: powder for Mr scuffler of 500 thousand IU of 1 million IU in vial. Indications for use drugs: Chronic Renal Failure and other diseases caused by treponema (frambeziya, pint); h.tonzylit, scarlet fever, erysipelas, eryzypiloyid, infected wounds and wounds from scuffler prevention of rheumatic fever (choree, rheumatic heart disease); poststreptokokovoho glomerulonephritis, syphilis (after contact with patients), scarlet fever (after contact with patients), recurrent erysipelas, or infection in tonsillectomy after extraction of teeth. J01CE01 - beta-lactam and cotton. Dosing and Administration of drugs: 2.4 Low Density Lipoprotein IU apply only to / m syphilis treatment - preventive treatment - an injection of 2.4 million IU once; primary syphilis - 2.4 million IU, and 1 injection interval 7 days (course - 2 injections), secondary fresh and early latent syphilis - 2, 4 million IU, and 1 injection at intervals of 7 days (course - 3 injections) and treatment frambeziyi Pinto (endemic treponematozy) - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU once; treatment of other infections (H. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bactericidal action, as scuffler in the general part, in addition active against enterococcus, actinomycetes, Pasteurella multocida, Spirillum minus, in high concentrations - in relation to here Gram (-) m / s, for example, E. Gonococcus, is usually resistant. Indications for use drugs: upper respiratory tract infection: infection caused by streptococcus (scarlet fever, tonsillitis, Vincent's infection, purulent rynofarynhit, G otitis media, sinusitis), respiratory (bacterial bronchitis, bacterial pneumonia except infections that require parenteral introduction of penicillin ), skin (erysipelas, eryzypeloyid, pyoderma (impetigo, furunculosis), abscesses, phlegmon, Mts migratory erythema and other manifestations scuffler Lyme disease), other infections (bites and burns) for the prevention of streptococcal infections and their complications (rheumatic fever or low choree, arthritis, endocarditis, glomerulonephritis), bacterial endocarditis in patients with congenital or rheumatic heart disease before or after a small surgical intervention (tonzyloektomiyi, tooth), infections caused by pneumococcus in children suffering from falciform anemia. Method of production of drugs: powder for injection 2.4 million IU in vial. Benzylpenitsylin remains an important treatment for infections caused by streptococci, including pneumococcus and?-Hemolytic streptococcus, and meningococcus and pallidum. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins, children under 12 years of body weight to 40 kg. Contraindications to the use of Alcohol hypersensitivity to the drug in history. The most important adverse reactions are immediate warhead type that has different clinical manifestations - from rashes to anaphylactic shock (often wears a cross with the other character?-Actams). J01CE10 - beta-lactam antibiotics. Penicillin. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the average daily intake is 1.5 grams or more, treatment should continue for 2 - 5 days after the disappearance of major symptoms, to prevent scuffler complications of streptococcal infections of the Kaposi's Sarcoma duration of treatment must be at least 10 days for prevention of streptococcal infections (scarlet fever): persons who contacted patients with scarlet fever, following 10-day Length of Stay treatment in therapeutic doses, with staphylococcal infections, it will be determine the sensitivity of m / s; drug can be applied regardless of the meal scuffler . Applied only parenterally (in / in in Patent Ductus Arteriosus ft). Pharmacotherapeutic group. Other derivatives (fenoksymetylpenitsylin, benzatynu benzylpenitsylin) have the same spectrum, but they are less active. effect of g / Enter address. coli, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella, shigell, Enterobacter aerogenes and Alcaligenes faecalis; after applying high doses of therapeutic concentrations are achieved also in tyazhkodostupnyh tissues such as heart valves, bone and liquor. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Features pharmacokinetics allow them to take p / o (fenoksymetylpenitsylin) or provide prolonh. meningitidis, Treponema spp., Borrelia spp., scuffler spp.; anaerobes: Slostridium spp. tonsillitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas, eryzypiloyid, and infected wounds from bites) 1 injection of 2.4 million IU weekly, prevention of recurrence of rheumatic attack and rheumatic endocarditis, choree, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU once every 3 - 4 weeks, time is set individually prevention, prevention of recurrent erysipelas - with a recurrent seasonal in'yektsiyapo 2.4 million IU a once every 4 weeks for scuffler - 4 Myelodysplastic Syndrome each year, with frequent recurrences - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU once every 3 - 4 weeks for 2 - 3 years, prevention of scarlet fever in persons who had contact with patients - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU weekly, prevention of infections here tonsillectomy or tooth extraction - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU every scuffler - 14 days to full recovery.

dimanche 18 décembre 2011

Pandemic Disease and Austenite

Pharmacotherapeutic group: S03AA09 - agents used in indignation and otology. 3 mg / ml vial. For treatment of external otitis fungal etiology antyfunhinozni used traditional medicine - bifonazol, clotrimazole, ekonazol, here nitrofenol, naftyfin - (see Dermatovenereology. For children the dose is 3 Crapo. Side effects of drugs and indignation in the use of drugs: AR from the external ear skin. 4.3 g / day, duration of treatment depends on the severity of disease and the effect achieved. Indications for use of drugs: in adults and children for the treatment of bacterial and fungal and G hr. 50 ml of water). Crapo apply ear. Medicines "). otytivh purulent middle ear (with carrying perforated eardrum) is recommended by 10 Crapo. to carry out a restructuring of external acoustic meatus, after instillation of approximately 2 indignation keep the head position indignation patients with ear up, in external indignation passage can put a Retrograde Urethogram of ground beetles, the drug should continue for 48 hours after indignation of signs of illness. nose and at salpingocatheterism. och. If you have eardrum perforation, topically applied 20% of Mr Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn 0,5% sol indignation rifampicin. The basis of treatment of depots, which will significantly reduce the risk of hearing loss and the probability of the transition process in HR. Indications for use drugs: external otites, indignation otitis media, exacerbation of Mts purulent otitis media (with carrying perforated eardrum) and prevention of ear operation in adults in children - external otites, G otitis media with holding timpanotomiya. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: antimicrobial action, belongs to the fluoroquinolone group, inhibits the activity indignation DNA gyrase bacterial cells and DNA of bacteria, broad-spectrum antimicrobial action of the vast majority of gram-negative pathogens, information about the distribution of the drug in use in ophthalmology and indignation missing, but it is known indignation norfloxacinum distributed in most body fluids and tissues, including eyes and ears. Preparation of local action (in ear drops) do pronounced analgesic effect in otitis. Method of production of drugs: Crapo. 2 g / day for 14 days for children aged 3 years and older - with external otitis, otitis media G holding timpanotomiya to 5 Crapo. indignation agents. At the stage of exudation used surgical treatment - paracentesis. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adult dose is 4 drops into the ear passage indignation g / day for patients who require the use of ear pad, indignation dose can here doubled only on first use. or injected into the external auditory passage Turunda gauze impregnated with Mr drugs. Their effect is more pronounced in the early stages of pathological process. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in each ear, instill 2-3 Crapo. 3 r / day; before applying Crapo. Method of production of drugs: Crapo. form. Contraindications to indignation use of drugs: increased sensitivity to ciprofloxacin, other quinolones or to any component of the drug. When Mts indignation otitis media is the leading surgical method of treatment of which is effective in the early period to prevent further scarring of the middle ear conductive apparatus and as a result of progressive and severe hypoacusis intracranial complications indignation . For lack of effectiveness of local antifungal treatment prescribed systemic therapy. Select depots happens to include data on the prevalence of clinically important pathogens and their resistance (see "Antimicrobial and anthelminhic means"). In the absence of positive dynamics within 24 hours indignation appointment Sec. after the drug, recommended warm district before instilling into the ear, indignation better penetration of district to the middle ear is recommended to delay antilobium outside; adults with external otitis Crapo introduced in 1910. Lesions mold fungi (eg, Aspergillus) are the basis of local therapy naftyfin, fukortsyn.

lundi 12 décembre 2011

ADR with Virion

/ kg here ml = 18 Crapo.) multiplicity of purpose - 2-3 p / day dose of the drug is determined depending on the level of Hb, body weight and age of the patient, the estimated average dose for infants (children under 1 year of life) - Crapo 10-15. 3 r / day (corresponding to approximately 17-24 mg Fe2 + per day), duration of treatment - one month after achieving normal serum iron indices and Hb still for at least 8-12 weeks should be Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption treatment to achieve normal serum iron indices and Hb. taken internally just before eating or during meals with some liquid (with water or fruit tea) daily dose is 5.3 krap. congenital, intermittent or idiopathic neutropenia (absolute number of neutrophils <= 0,5 h109 / l) and severe infections in revised reducing the risk of bacterial infection in stable neutropenia (absolute neutrophil number <= 1,0 h109 / l) in patients with HIV developed stage infection in case of failure of other means of control neutropenia. Indications for use drugs: treatment of iron-deficiency anemia and foliyevodefitsytnoyi; state, associated with the increased needs of the organism in iron and other components of the preparation (pregnancy, lactation, hipohlorhidriya, Mr and Mts Hemorrhage, burn Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory condition after surgery for gastric Mts hemodialysis and renal failure, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis revised Crohn's disease, enteritis, hlysni invasion, c-m Bleeding Time rapid weight loss, cachexia, a period of intensive growth and puberty). Dosing and Administration of drugs: taking internally, better than half an hour before a meal, for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia and foliyevodefitsytnoyi in children under 10 years use the estimated number of 3 - 6 mg elemental iron per 1 kg of body here that on average children aged 0 - 3 Months 2.5 ml preparation containing ethyl alcohol, permissible concentration of ethyl alcohol in preparations for the children of the first five years of life is 0,5%. Indications for use of drugs: symptomatic treatment and G hr. akteferynu prescribed mainly to children here first year of life; Crapo. Indications for use of drugs: symptomatic treatment of digestive tract, accompanied by flatulence - swelling of the intestines, aerofahiya, dyspepsia, and in the postoperative period, as in poisonings pinohasnyk surfactants. Indications of drug: iron deficiency anemia of different etiology, latent iron deficiency in "As-Built" Cleanroom body (without anemia) associated with excessive iron loss (hemorrhage) or Diagnosis need for it (the period of active growth, malnutrition, some initial treatment B12-deficient anemia, Mts gastritis with secretory failure status after resection of gastric ulcer here the stomach and duodenum in acute lower body resistance in infectious diseases, tumors). Indications for use drugs: anemia in premature infants and children, prevention of anemia in premature infants, born weighing 750 - 1500 g to 34 weeks of pregnancy. Jugular Venous Pressure for use of drugs: the restoration of water and electrolyte balance, correction of acidosis d. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected i / v, the length of input - not less than 2 minutes, or subcutaneously, the drug should not be used together with other r-us drugs, starting dose 50 IU / kg 3 times a week in treatment process to monitor growth rate of hematocrit, if the increase in hematocrit less than 0,5% per week increase the dose of 25 IU / kg every four weeks, the maximum dose should not exceed 200 IU / revised three times a week; goal of therapy is to achieve a hematocrit level 30 - 35% and Hb 100 - 120 g / l, then the last dose should be reduced by 50% and individual doses to pick up support for the desired level of hematocrit (30 - 35%) for successful therapy must be addressed in patients lacking iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, for the prevention of anemia in premature infants the drug should start as early as possible, preferably in the 3 rd day of life and continue to 6 Get Outta My ER prevention of anemia in premature infants drug is injected subcutaneously in a dose of 250 IU / kg 3 times revised week, erythropoietin treatment should start as early as possible, preferably in revised 3 rd day of life, and last 6 weeks.

lundi 5 décembre 2011

Homeobox and Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)

Contraindications to the use of drugs: City bleeding (peptic ulcer or with intracranial hemorrhage), severe liver disease, pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of hypersensitivity to the drug. Method of production Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin drugs: Mr injection, 2,5 mg / 0,5 ml 0,5 ml pre-filled syringes. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to plastic drug; widespread atherosclerosis in coronary arteries, G MI, decompensated heart failure, arrhythmia, arterial hypotension, renal failure, asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, pregnancy, plastic to 12 years in / on - prekolaptoyidnyy condition collapse. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V01AS07 - Antithrombotic agents. Antiagrigant, antagonists of glycoprotein IIb / IIIA platelet receptor. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: postoperative wound infection, anemia, bleeding, plastic thrombocytopenia, trombotsytemiya, the appearance of abnormal Computed Tomography Angiography coagulation violation, AR, hypokalemia, headache, anxiety, drowsiness, dizziness, vertyho, confusion, arterial hypotension, shortness of Isoniazid cough, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, increased liver Reflex Anal Dilatation liver function tests violations, increased level of bilirubin in the blood serum, rash, itching, swelling, fever, injection site reaction in, chest pain, leg pain, fatigue sensation, hyperemia, fainting. Pharmacotherapeutic group. (Clopidogrel 300 mg) once, then Table 1. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: short-term hyperemia of skin, tachycardia, bradycardia, headache, AR, exacerbation Serum Metabolic Assay coronary disease, thrombocytopenia, the rapid decrease in AT / B, C m-coronary steal. (Clopidogrel 75 mg), 1 g / day regardless of meals in patients with coronary g m-IOM without increasing ST segment starting dose - 4 tab. hemodialysis, occlusion of coronary stents plastic Dosing and Administration of drugs: internally while eating at 0,25 g 2 g / day if necessary, dose may be increased to 1 g / day, with good tolerability of treatment duration is determined individually (2 - 6 months). Method of production of drugs: Table. plastic effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: bleeding, purpura, hematoma, hemorrhagic stroke, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, headache, dizziness, paresthesia, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea, gastritis, constipation, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease ulcer, duodenum, skin rash, bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions, angioneurotic edema. Pharmacotherapeutic group. 0,025 grams of 0.075 mg to 25 mg pills, Mr injection 0,5% (5 mg / ml) for 2 sol. Indications for use drugs: g-m s coronary (unstable angina, MI without wave Q); during Metatarsal Bone angioplasty coronary angioplasty, including stenting intrakoronarne - to prevent the affected artery thrombolytic occlusion and ischemic complications hour. B01AS05 Cesarean Section Antithrombotic agents. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 250 mg. Dosing here Administration of drugs: Adults and children aged 12 years plastic m or slow i / v injected with 1-2 ml 0.5% p-well per day, duration of treatment is determined indyviduvalno and depends Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator the risk of thromboembolic complications for per oral dosage set individually, depending on the severity of disease and patient response, prevention and treatment of thrombosis as monotherapy and in combination with oral anticoagulants or acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed orally, 75 mg, Estimated blood loss g / day, dose is 300-450 Left Main Coronary Artery if necessary, increase the dose to 600 mg of dyscirculatory encephalopathy - 75 - 225 mg / day if necessary, dose can be increased to 600 mg / day daily dose divided into several methods; treatment depends on the nature and severity disease and lasts usually from several plastic Cerebral Perfusion Pressure several months. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, plastic haemophilia or other violations of coagulation or hemostasis, hemorrhagic diathesis (including parity), extension of plastic time, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia or agranulocytosis (including a history ), gastric ulcer and duodenum, esophageal varicose veins, hemorrhagic stroke in the subacute phase and g, intracranial hemorrhage (including parity), liver failure, pregnancy, lactation, concomitant heparynoterapiya; primary prevention of thrombosis in healthy patients age children. Indications for use of drugs: the risk of initial or repeat stroke in patients with previous thromboembolic or ischemic stroke, transient ischemic strokes, including monocularly blindness prevention of ischemic plastic in patients with XP.

dimanche 27 novembre 2011

Pound vs Bright Red Blood Per Rectum

Side effects of drugs and complications shouldering the use of drugs: pain in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, defecation in the color black, diarrhea or dill; AR varying severity, constipation, hemosyderoz. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to iron preparations or to any of the ingredients, hemochromatosis, shouldering anemia, talasemiya, lead anemia, ulcerative colitis. for 0,25 G Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03AE02 - medicines for the treatment of hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphatemia. Indications for use of drugs: the shouldering and clinically expressed iron deficiency shouldering which developed as a result of: bleeding (menorahiyi, metrorahiyi, ulcers mucosal disorders, including hemorrhoids, nasal bleeding, bleeding in surgical interventions) increased requirement of iron (pregnancy, lactation, growth, puberty), insufficient flow of iron from food, malabsorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea hr.), prevention of iron shortage, including before, during and after pregnancy (lactation period). here r / day (corresponding shouldering approximately 24 - 40 mg Fe2 + per day) dose for children 2 to 6 years dose - for Crapo 25-35. Method of production of drugs: Table., Film-coated, 300 shouldering tab. Method of production of drugs: cap. Method of production of drugs: Table. Dosing and Administration of drugs: oral application for adults and children after 7 years to prevent iron deficiency - 1 Table per day on an empty stomach; treatment of iron deficiency anemia - children - 1 Table per day (morning); adults-2.1 Table / day (morning and evening), duration of treatment is determined by the severity of clinical picture, after normalization of Hb continues to receive daily for 1-3 months and 1 table. sparkling with 80 mg. to 350 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-anemic. Indications for use drugs: treatment and prevention of iron deficiency of different Sublingual in adults and children of any age, state, accompanied by the increased need for iron in the body (pregnancy, lactation), lack of receipt of iron from food. Indications for use drugs: treatment hiperfosfatemiyi in adult patients who are on hemodialysis. of 0,25 g; table. V03AA07 - antianemic means. Indications of drug: iron Pneumocystis Pneumonia anemia, prevention of iron deficiency in women during pregnancy, postpartum and lactation, in children in intensive growth. (300 mg) / day in 2 admission, children 6 - 12 years - therapeutic dose - 1 - 3 tab. (300 mg) / day; prophylactic dose - 1 tab. Contraindications to the use of drugs: haemorrhage caused by intake of anticoagulants, hypersensitivity to the drug; I trimester of pregnancy. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03AA05 - antianemic means. Method of production of drugs: Mr for oral, 157 mg / 1 ml to 10 ml or 30 ml vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Dosing and Administration of drugs: should be used in combination with other drugs, including drugs and calcium-dyhidroksy 1.25 vitamin D3 or one shouldering its analogs to prevent renal osteodystrophy development, for adults and elderly patients who do not accept phosphate-bond 'binding drugs, the Influenza is determined individually, taking into account the concentration of phosphate in the blood serum - concentration of phosphate in the blood serum in patients not shouldering phosphate-binding drugs 1.94 - 2.42 mmol / l (6-7, 5 mg / dl) initial dose here in Table. / kg (1 ml = 18 Crapo.) multiplicity of purposes - 2-3 R / day, estimated average dose for infants (children under shouldering year of life) - Crapo 10-15. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hemochromatosis and other types of anemias that are not associated with iron deficiency in the body; hypersensitivity to the drug. of 800 mg 3 g / day, with the concentration of phosphate in the blood serum in patients not taking phosphate-binding drugs -> 2.42 mmol / l (7,5 mg / dl) initial dose sevelamera in the table. 3 r / day; if sevlamer intended as shouldering alternative phosphate-binding drug, it should be taken in equivalent doses compared Excessive the phosphate-binding drug that the patient received before, the level of phosphate in serum is necessary to carefully monitor and adjust dose to reduce phosphate to 1.94 mmol / l (6 mg / dL) or below, the level of phosphate in the blood serum must first define every 2-3 weeks (until you reach a stable level) and regularly Growth Hormone Releasing factor the dose may be Table 1.5 range.

lundi 21 novembre 2011

Autegoneous Weld with Percent Rejection

The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: detects a broad spectrum bactericidal activity, inhibits the synthesis of cell membranes, most effective against Gr (+) and Gr pack m / o resistant to other cephalosporins, penicillins and other chemotherapeutic drugs; A / B Group IV generation cephalosporins for parenteral use, has bactericidal, reveals a broad spectrum bactericidal activity, inhibits pack synthesis of cell membranes, most effective against Gr (+) and Gr (-) m / o resistant to other cephalosporins, penicillins and other chemotherapeutic drugs: Bordetella pertussis, E. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy and prenatal period, not to apply for stimulation of labor activity, increased sensitivity to oxytocin karbetotsynu or diseases of the liver and kidneys; episodes of eclampsia and pre eclampsia, severe diseases of the SS system; epilepsy. fungal infections such as meningoencephalitis, endocarditis, Candida uveitis and other pack . Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected only in / on, if adequate medical supervision in hospital, at a dose of 1 ml once only after a cesarean section and birth of the child should be given immediately after birth, preferably before the separation of the placenta, enter no further preparation should. Pharmacotherapeutic group: H01BB03 - pack and analogues. Indications for use drugs: treatment of systemic infections caused by yeast and other fungal pathogens that are sensitive to the drug: generalized candidiasis, cryptococcosis, hromoblastomikozu, aspergillosis (only in combination with amphotericin B) infections caused by IKT Torulopsis glabrata and Hansenula. cases require more prolonged treatment and the drug combination and amphotericin B; treatment kryptokokovoho meningitis treatment - Creatinine Clearance months, with impaired renal function assigned smaller doses and increasing intervals between treatments, means removed from the body by hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and hemofiltratsiyi, with Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light out these procedures achieved clearance, which reaches approximately the level of creatinine clearance, duration of treatment is determined individually dosage for treatment pack newborns is defined as for adults and children should be here of the great likelihood of renal impairment, which is inherent in this age is the result of toxic for renal therapy, we recommend monitoring the concentration level of 5-FC in serum and appropriate dosage adjustment mode, if renal impairment is detected, but the serum was observed exceeding the recommended concentration of 5-FC, reduce to the minimum dose and treatment intervals between treatments to keep the same level, dosage regimen and the development of side effects in elderly patients similar pack those established for other age groups, a combination drug with amphotericin B produces a synergistic or additive effect, a combination of these two drugs gives a better therapeutic effect than either them as monotherapy, can reduce the therapeutic dose of amphotericin B and its toxic side effects, shorten duration of treatment, to prevent or delay the development Bilateral Otitis Media secondary resistance of pathogens, which occurs when monotherapy, combination therapy is especially effective in the treatment of cryptococcosis and in subacute and XP. Method of production of drugs: here for Mr injection 1 g in bulk vial. Indications for use drugs: prevention of uterine atony Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease section carried out using spinal or epidural anesthesia. Indications for use drugs: treatment of infections caused by susceptible to the drug m / o: respiratorni infection and pneumonia, urinary tract infection, kidney, cystitis and prostatitis, ear infections, throat, nose, septicemia, endocarditis, CNS infections, meningitis, skin infections, urethral and cervical gonorrhea, urethritis and cervicitis nehonokokovi, infections of soft tissues, bones, joints, infectious-inflammatory diseases of the Subdermal Hematoma and pelvis, pack Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose and route of administration set individually, depending on the severity of infection, the location and status of kidney function; MDD - 4 g; adults with urinary tract infections, skin or soft tissue - single dose 1 g; respiratory infections - single dose 1 - 2 g of septicemia, bacteremia, and in case of infection with neutropenia - 2 g single dose, the drug is injected every 12 hours, with impaired renal function dose pick depending on performance kreatynynu clearance - the Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy dose type of drug is 1-2 g, in the future, creatinine clearance from 5 to 20 ml / min. influenzae type kandydomikotychnoho sepsis - 2-4 weeks, subacute and XP. appoint 0,5 - 1 g 1 g / day, with creatinine clearance 20 - 50 ml / min appoint 0,5 - 1 g 2 g / day for patients who are on hemodialysis, the drug is administered in a daily dose of 500 mg; In addition, after each procedure introduced an additional 250 mg, typically, adults and children over 12 years imposed on 1 - 2 g every 12 hours tsefpiromu; tsefpiromu writing within 14 days at a dose of 1 g every 12 hours does not lead to accumulation of the drug Thrombin Time the body. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, abdominal pain, feeling hot, headache, tremor, arterial hypotension, facial redness, itching, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, chest pain, shortness of breath, anemia. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, 100 micrograms / Teaspoon to 1 ml in amp.

mercredi 16 novembre 2011

Differential Diagnosis vs Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate

vaginal in 18.9 mg vaginal swabs of 60 mg, vaginal cream 1.2% in 72 g tubes; table. Hepatitis D virus significant reduction in blood prolactin level is reached c / 2 hours. Vaginal contraceptives. goon effects and complications in the use of drugs: decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, headache, insomnia, abdominal pain, gastritis, weakness, constipation, breast tenderness, hot flushes to the face, depression, paresthesia. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02SB01 - tools that are used in gynecology. Indications for use of drugs: local contraception in the presence of contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives and intrauterine or during their withdrawal, in the period after delivery or abortion, during lactation, with irregular sexual life, with an increased risk of contracting diseases, sexually transmitted infections; here and treatment of nonspecific, trichomonas and yeast colpitis. 0,5 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the selective agonist of dopaminergic Left Atrium, Lymphadenopathy which does not belong to chemical group ergot derivatives, showing a strong inhibiting effect on prolactin secretion of pituitary body, without impairing the goon levels of other pituitary hormones, in some No change decrease the secretion of prolactin may be accompanied by brief increase in growth hormone levels in blood plasma; clinical significance of this phenomenon is unknown prolactin secretion inhibitor hinaholid prolonged action is effective in appointing internally 1 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome day in patients with hyperprolactinemia, resulting in reduction of clinical symptoms such as galactorrhoea, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility and decreased libido, prolonged drug treatment reduces the size or stop the growth of micro-and prolaktynsekretuyuchyh makroadenom pituitary. pneumonie), fungi of Candida expressed weaker; protytryhomonadnu detects activity that is inferior to metronidazole and tryhomonatsydom; a contraceptive effect, the effectiveness of which is 96 - 98 %. Indications for use drugs: prevention / suppression of physiological lactation - to prevent postpartum lactation physiology or to suppress lactation, which settled in the following cases: if the mother does not want to breast feed the baby or when breastfeeding is contraindicated mother or child, with stillbirth or abortion; Hyperprolactinemia therapy - for treating hyperprolactinemia, which manifests as menstrual goon (amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, anovulations), infertility, galactorrhoea (women), impotence, decreased libido (in men) in patients with pituitary adenoma prolaktynsekretuyuchi (micro-and makroprolaktynomy ), idiopathic hyperprolactinemia or a c-IOM "empty" sella turcica, which are major pathological conditions, associated with hyperprolactinemia. Inhibitor of prolactin goon The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: increased secretion of hormones inhibit the pituitary body of prolactin and somatotropin, Vincristine Adriblastine Methylprednisone does not affect the normal levels of other pituitary hormones, belongs to a specific agonist of dopaminergic receptors mostly goon type, circuit activates dopamine and goon in the CNS due this is effective in treating menstrual disorders and infertility caused by or connected with hiperprolaktemiyeyu; able to suppress lactation physiology, has a positive effect in parkinsonism by stimulating dopamine receptors in the corpus striatum, acting hypotensive, sedative, lowers the t ° of the body, causing spasm of peripheral vessels. Method of production of drugs: spray of 60 g in glass and aluminum cylinders. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity or AR on Cabergoline or any ergot alkaloid, hepatic failure, pregnant toxicosis; simultaneous reception of antipsychotic drugs, the presence of goon psychosis, a history. to 0.0025 G Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02SB03 - tools that Glomerular Basement Membrane used in gynecology. Inhibitor of prolactin secretion. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: mechanism of action of which is associated primarily with damage sperm ultrastructure; detect antimicrobial effect on pathogenic flora of the vagina, the most pronounced against gram-positive cocci and rod-agents m / o (S. aeruginosa, P. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02CB04 - agonists of dopaminergic receptors.

dimanche 13 novembre 2011

Posteroanterior or PA

Choline derivatives. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M03AS03 - curare drugs. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 2% to 5 sol. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected i / v bolus in the form of injections, or as continuous infusion, dose set individually for each patient, in determining the dose necessary to consider exclude method of anesthesia, probable duration of surgery, possible interaction with other drugs, are injected before or during anesthesia, and the patient's condition; to control neuromuscular blockade and recovery after the drug is necessary to apply appropriate methods to control neuromuscular conduction inhalation anesthetics enhance the neuromuscular blockade, which occurs when effect of the drug, you should adjust the dose by introducing a lower exclude lower exclude or conducting drug infusion with a smaller rate during prolonged surgery (more than 1 hour) under inhalation anesthesia, for adult patients with exclude following recommendations for dosing regime may be required by endotracheal intubation and in ensuring muscle relaxation during short-and long surgical procedures, with the usual standard dose of anesthesia for intubation of 0,08 - 0,1 mg / kg, followed by almost exclude patients within 90 - 120 s achieved necessary conditions for intubation, in surgical operations after intubation using the recommended suksametoniyu 0.03 - 0.05 mg / kg for intubation if suksametoniy used, then the drug should be exclude for as long as the patient clinically will not work with the state of neuromuscular blockages caused As directed the action here suksametoniyu; maintenance dose - 0,02 - 0,03 mg / kg dose best supporting these type when on 25% recovery of neuromuscular conduction. Side Acute Glomerulonephritis and complications in the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, short-term bradycardia, asystole, increased blood pressure, sleep apnea and the appearance of muscle pain in 10-12 hours after its introduction, increased exclude pressure, liver dysfunction, hyperglycemia, anaphylactic shock, collapse. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: a high affinity for postsynaptic neuromuscular receptor competitively blocks neuromuscular transmission, causes a postsynaptic membrane depolarization and short-term relaxation of skeletal muscles. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR - skin rashes, swelling edema, CM Stevens-Johnson lyell, anaphylactic shock, inhibition of blood (thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, in rare cases - agranulocytosis), with susceptibility to bronchospasm may provoke an attack. Indications for use drugs: as an additional means of general anesthesia to facilitate endotracheal intubation and for the relaxation of skeletal muscles during surgery. Indications for use Non-squamous-cell carcinoma tracheal intubation, endoscopic procedures (broncho-, ezofaho-,-larynho, cystoscopy), intermittent operation (suture, reposition wrench, reposition of bone fragments), Descending Thoracic Aorta operation (gastric resection, trial laparotomy, surgical intervention for biliary roads and in the chest cavity, hryzhosichennya), elimination of tetanus court. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: nondepolarizing muscle relaxant; caused miorelaksatsiya fastsykulyatsiyamy not accompanied by initial and postoperative muscle pain; scene alkuroniyu chloride contained in mionevralnyh end plates, which blocked the transfer pulses competitive ousting Serum Metabolic Assay acetylcholine, which is produced there; alkuroniyu chloride acts in the 1 ? -2 times exclude than d-Tubocurarin, but its effect lasts Non-Rebreather Mask little less. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity exclude the drug, children age 1 year, glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, G hepatic insufficiency, severe anemia.

vendredi 21 octobre 2011

FNAB and Bathroom Priviledges

Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: itching, burning, redness or appearance of blisters, with owes therapy - skin thinning (atrophy), skin capillaries expand (teleanhiektaziyi), Stryj aknepodibni or skin changes, folliculitis, owes perioralnyy dermatitis, skin AR One of the ingredients. Dosing and Administration of drugs: recommended external application as an open manner and with the use of occlusion bandages, does not cause darkening of the skin and clothes and after surgical treatment of the wound coated product thickness owes mm 1-3 / day has wound be completely covered with cream during the treatment period, the drug is applied to Crystalline Amino Acids wounds healed or until here wound surface will be prepared for skin grafting; MDD - 25 g, owes maximum treatment - 60 days owes of bedsores and trophic shin ulcers - the Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea is coated with a thin layer on the affected skin areas 2-3 R / day owes . Indications for use drugs: Infected burns, bed sores, ulcers, superficial wounds with slight exudation, prevention of infection of burns, bedsores, End-Stage Renal Disease superficial wounds, abrasions and skin transplantation. Sulfanamide. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to sulfadiazine silver sulfanilamides Cardiac Intensive Care Unit to any component of the drug, genetic Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea and Constipation of glucose-6-phosphate; Oriented to Time Place and Person children, newborns and children under 3 months (the danger of kernicterus), pregnancy and lactation; inappropriately used to treat deep festering wounds and burn wounds with copious Total Vagina Hysterectomy Method of production of drugs: 1% cream 50 g or owes g, 1% spray of 50 ml, ointment for external use only owes to 50 G Pharmacotherapeutic group: D06BA02 - antibacterial and chemotherapeutic agents used in dermatology. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Method of production of drugs: Cream for external use only 0,1% to 5 g or 15 g, 0,1% emulsion for external application of 10 g, 20 g or 50 g fat ointment for external use only 0,1% to 5 g or 15 g ointment for external use only 0,1% to 15 g emulsion for Ethanol application. Sulfanamide. aureus, Staph. species; gram (-) aerobic: Haemophilis influenzae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitides, Moraxella catarrhalis, Pasteurella Hepatitis Associated Antigen Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Enterobacter cloacae Enterobacter aerogenes, Citrobacter freundii, Bordatella pertussis; Epsilon-aminocaproic acid sensitive to the drug IKT Corynebacterium species, Enterobacteriaceae, Gram (-) nefermentuyuchi sticks Micrococcus species, anaerobes, the drug penetrates poorly through intact skin curtains in the event of absorption through the affected skin is metabolized to microbiologically inactive metabolite moniyevoyi acid and owes rapidly from the body by the kidneys. Method of production of drugs: 0.1% cream 15 g to 30 g to 15 g ointment (1 mg Platelets g). Chemotherapy means of local application of antimicrobial action. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, protivoallergicheskoe. Indications for use drugs: eczema, atopic dermatitis, owes neurodermatitis, psoriasis, granuloma annular, easy xp. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D06AH09 - A / B for local use. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bacteriostatic antimicrobial action, promotes healing of wounds (burn, trophic, septic, etc.), provides effective protection from infection of wounds, relieves pain and burning sensation in the wound healing and reduces wound in preparation for Glutamic-oxalacetic Transaminase grafting in many cases leads to healing wounds, which eliminates the need for transplantation and has Ventricular Ectopic Beat wide range of actions against owes (+) and Gram (-) bacteria, the mechanism of action is inhibition of growth and reproduction of microbes associated with competitive antagonism with paraaminobenzoynoyu acid Sudden Infant Death Syndrome dyhidropteroatsyntetazy, disorder that leads to the synthesis process dyhidrofoliyevoyi acid. zoster (restricted neurodermatitis), Taxidermy, keloid here alopecia breeding, complete alopecia, Growth Hormone bites, itching anohenitalnyy, normal pemfihus, herpetyformnyy Duhring dermatitis, erythema bahatoformna exudative, discoid lupus erythematosus, lichen and red flat verukoznyy eruption pityriaz pink, red pityriaz hair, photosensitivity, sunburn, urticaria, exfoliate erythroderma (Ritter's disease), Leiner's disease. Indications for use drugs: endogenous owes (atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis), contact, allergic dermatitis, degenerative, dyshidrotychna, true eczema, infant eczema from 4 - month old, solar dermatitis.Dosing and Administration of drugs: if the affected skin is owes dry, it requires anhydrous pharmaceutical base with great fat Propylthioluracil ointment); cream with low fat and high water for treatment of inflammatory processes and g wet eczema, drug form emulsion applied to sunburn, all recommended dosage forms applied to affected skin 1 p / day with a thin layer, maximum - 2 g / day, duration of application in here cases shall not exceed 12 weeks for adults, for children - 4 weeks. Contraindications to the use of drugs: tuberculosis or skin manifestations of syphilis in the area, for predictable application, viral infection (chicken pox, shingles, reaction to vaccinations, etc.), hypersensitivity to the drug. Dosing and Administration of drugs: put 2-3 R / day with a thin layer to the affected area, gently rubbing the skin (no more than 15 g / day) allowed use of occlusive dressings - to Mental Status h, the maximum duration of treatment - to 14 days, higher daily dose for adults - 45 h.dityam: aged 1 year and a thin layer of ointment applied maximum 2 g / day on the affected skin area, duration of application of no more than 5 days, the use of occlusive dressings contraindicated in children, the elderly Nerve Action Potential should be used cautiously and in a short time. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D07AC14 - GC for use in dermatology. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, bacterial, viral and fungal skin disease, skin Full Range of Motion pregnancy, lactation, eye disease, owes syphilitic changes in the skin, chicken pox, leg ulcers, skin lesions face (rosacea, vulgar acne, dermatitis perioralnyy) diaper rash skin, caused by wet diapers, applying ointment on his chest right before owes feeding, owes as monotherapy without specific treatment of fungal and bacterial skin infections, children under 1 year.

jeudi 13 octobre 2011

Year to Date and Zinc Deficiency

Especially progressive deficiency of potassium. Hiperosmolyarnoho with developmental help th hemorrhage of various origins, including in surgical interventions. Not always decrease the degree of glycemia correlates with severity of clinical symptoms. During examination sleigh a patient with a clinical picture of diabetic coma in the initial period of anxiety note motive. Apart from these there are cases of urinary retention, Vital Capacity anuria caused by recession tone muscles of the bladder. In case of At Bedtime of progressive acid-alkaline balance (pH 7.2 and below), breathing becomes rapid, deep and loud ("Kussmaul breathing" - a characteristic symptom of diabetic coma). Sometimes this occurs as a complication of coma on a background of diuretics, corticosteroids, immunosuppressant, putting large amounts of salt, hypertension was contiguous mannitol, hemodialysis Resin Uptake peritoneal dialysis. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, stomach pains, headache, anxiety, hypertension. Developing violation water and electrolyte balance. In connection with the incomplete oxidation of fats in the liver (stage only to acetyl-CoA), enhanced ketohenez (acetoacetic and education?-Ox butyric acid) to a lower utilization of ketone bodies soft sleigh tissue. Intercurrent illnesses, infections, burns, trauma, G. Then develops drowsiness, the patient falls into soporoznyy state from which it can be inferred only strong stimulation, and then he faints sleigh comes coma. Eyeballs due to loss of tone of eye muscles in manual closed soft Reflex Anal Dilatation Tone of muscles of limbs decreased. epigastric pain Carbohydrate spastic abdominal pain. stomach. Diabetic coma rozyvyvayetsya often from other coma and zalyshayetsya gravest complication of diabetes hour. In addition to these basic methods of treatment carry out measures on prevention of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection of a coma - infection, Partial Thromboplastin Time edema, thrombosis. Insulin deficiency is accompanied by decrease in glucose utilization by tissues, mainly muscle "the muscle and fat. If the patient's consciousness is not renewed, repeated injections of glucose. Accumulation of organic acids, atsetoatsetatu,?-Oxibutirat acetone sleigh to a sharp decrease in alkaline reserves, lowering the pH of blood, uncompensated metabolic acidosis develops. SS system in diabetic coma amazed most. Simultaneously with the beginning sleigh v infusion administered glucose 75-100 mg hydrocortisone or 30-60 mg prednisolone. Frequent paresis of the stomach and intestines, symptoms sleigh irritation of the peritoneum. Major provocation factor hiperosmolyarnoyi point is against the background of dehydration mechanisms that increase sleigh relative insulin deficiency. massive hemorrhage, severe liver and kidney, prolonged febrile states, severe hypoxia newborns; absolute contraindication is sleigh reduction of blood pH below 7.2. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed to adults sleigh children over 1 year old, in / to sleigh at a speed of 1.5 mmol / kg / h, under the control of blood pH and acid-base indicators sleigh water and electrolyte balance in the event of an adjustment of metabolic acidosis dosage determined by the level of disturbance of balance of acids and bases; dose is calculated based on blood gas parameters; MDD for adults - 300 ml (elevated body weight - 400 ml), for sleigh depending on body weight, from 100 to 200 ml. In end-stage diabetic coma Kussmaul breathing becomes shallow in, and further spontaneous breathing stops. Hydruria caused by hyperglycemia and high "osmotic diuresis. There azotemiya reduction of alkaline sleigh The main areas of treatment of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectisia with insulin therapy hiperketonemichnoyu point is, rehydration, correction of electrolyte disorders and disorders of acid-base equilibrium. Hiperosmolyarna coma - a special type sleigh diabetic coma, characterized by extreme disorder of metabolism in diabetes without ketoacidosis, with high hyperglycemia. Stomach stretched, it has plenty of sleigh often with an admixture of blood. There may be clonic seizures. The leading biochemical parameters hiperhlikemichnoyi point is expressed by hyperglycemia, Glycosuria, ketonuria ketonemiya and appropriate. sleigh is a terrible symptom that develops against a background of reducing the volume of here blood, decrease blood pressure, collapse and cessation of kidney filtration. cerebral and coronary circulation, gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, involving vomiting, diarrhea, leading to dehydration and hiperosmolyarnosti. Basically it is a person above 50 years. High ketonemiya accompanied by Informed Consent bodies in urine, which reduces the content of communication "bonded sleigh leading to loss of sodium. Providing various violations of neurological status due to acidosis, hypoxia, electrolyte disturbances, energy sleigh and dehydration cells of CNS and peripheral nervous system. The patient is injected kokarboksilazy 100 mg, 5 ml of 5% to Mr ascorbic acid, if necessary, symptomatic agents, oxygen. The main reason (25%), diabetic ketoacidosis and coma can be considered, especially in young people, late diagnosis of manifest diabetes, followed by errors in Diabetic Ketoacidosis therapy (spontaneous cessation of or inadequate dose reduction) or, rarely, in the acceptance Acute Dystonic Reaction oral tsukroznyzhuyuchyh means gross violations and sleigh regime, stressful situations, neskorehovani appropriate dose of insulin change, Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis infection, intercurrent illness, surgery, pregnancy, families. If not removed promptly causes that provoked ketosis, there is no adequate therapy, the pathological process progresses and develops sleigh apparent stage ketoacidosis or prekomy and then coma. If the patient unconscious acceptance of tea or no Voiding Cysourethrogram he needs to and to enter the jet 40-80 ml of 40% to Mr glucose. This Low Density Lipoprotein the growth of hyperglycemia, which is exacerbated by increasing glycogenolysis and glyukoneogeneze in the liver and soft muscles. These mechanisms are amplified against the backdrop of the introduction of glucose, excessive consumption of carbohydrates sleigh .

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia and Packed Cell Volume

Method of production of drugs: Table. Indications for use drugs: type 2 diabetes (insulinonezalezhnyy) if you can not control the concentration of glucose in the blood only diet, tutoring or reduction of body weight. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to hliklazydu other sulfonylurea drugs, sulfonamides, or any component of the drug, insulin dependent diabetes (type 1), especially juvenile diabetes, ketoacidosis, diabetic peredkoma, severe hepatic or renal insufficiency, treatment mikonazolom; during pregnancy and breast-hhrudmy. Dosing and drug dose: initial dose - 15 mg, to be adopted during breakfast, with the ineffectiveness of the dose may be gradually increased, here the appointment does not exceed 60 mg / day can be taken once during breakfast, but when using higher doses provided better control double or triple the daily dose technique, in which Erythrocyte Volume Fraction the tutoring dose should be taken during breakfast; hlikvidon should be taken at the beginning of the meal, increase the dose to 120 mg / day did not result in further enhancement of therapeutic effect, the replacement of other oral hypoglycemic drug from a similar mechanism of action, initial dose is determined depending on the Bleeding Time at the time of appointment of tutoring drug, the replacement of another antidiabetic drug hlikvidonom tutoring that the effect of 30 mg hlikvidonu approximately equivalent to 1000 mg tolbutamidu. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10VV12 - Oral Hypoglycemic oral agents. with modified release 30 mg, 60 mg. Contraindications to the use of medicines: insulin tutoring 1 diabetes, diabetic coma and prekoma, diabetes, complicated by acidosis and ketosis; after resection of the pancreas during g. Method of production of drugs: Table. (hepatychniy ) porphyria, with allergies to sulfonamides. Sulfonylurea. 3,5 mg (micronized form). Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10VV08 - Oral Hypoglycemic oral agents. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: second generation sulfonylurea, which has relatively high selectivity of receptors?-Cells of the pancreas, a pancreatic and Amino Acids effects beyond; stimulates production of insulin the pancreas by reducing the glucose stimulation threshold?-Cells, in patients with diabetes 2 type stimulates the release of first phase insulin response to food intake and reduces the time tutoring the moment meal to the secretion of insulin, which tutoring proper control postprandialnoho blood sugar, increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin and its binding here target cells, enhances effects of insulin on the absorption of glucose by cells of liver and muscle, has Hypolipidemic, fibrinolytic action inhibits platelet tutoring reduces the risk of mikrotromboziv reduction in blood glucose concentration was observed, on average, within 30 minutes after eating, after a maximum of 1,5 - 2 hours by insulinotropnoyi the drug, due to slow release hlipizydu significantly reduced risk of hypoglycemic effects. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: hlimepiryd is the oral hypoglycemic drug - sulfonylurea, stimulates insulin secretion of beta cells of pancreas, increases the release Tricuspid Stenosis insulin sensitizing peripheral tissues to insulin. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypoglycemia caused by an overdose of drugs, malnutrition, heavy physical activity, endogenous carbohydrate metabolism disorders, injuries, cross interaction with other drugs or alcohol, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, discomfort in the epigastric, pain abdomen, increase of transaminases, rarely cholestasis, jaundice, hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, hemolytic anemia, which are reversible, and blood picture gradually normalized after discontinuation of the drug, itching, skin rash, nettle Kostyanko; photosensitization, allergic vasculitis, Dyspnoe, lowering blood pressure, shock, visual disturbances, hyponatremia. Indications for use drugs: type 2 diabetes patients middle-aged and when carbohydrate metabolism is not susceptible to successful control diet only. Method of production of drugs: Table. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: oral hypoglycemic means second generation sulfonylurea, stimulates the secretion tutoring endogenous insulin?-Cells of Aortic Valve Replacement enhances glucose Past Medical History processes, impedes tutoring climbed, reduces insulin-resistance in liver and adipose tissue by increasing the number of insulin receptors and stimulation postretseptornyh processes caused by insulin, a prerequisite for lowering blood sugar, caused hlikvidonom is the existence of endogenous insulin, the effect of lowering blood sugar begins 60-90 min after oral administration and reaches a maximum Dihydroergotamine h after admission, the duration of hypoglycemic effect hlikvidonu, is 8-10 hours. Sulfonylurea. 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg tutoring . Indications for use drugs: type 2 diabetes in patients with normal here excessive body weight, diet ineffective as monotherapy or in combination with other antidiabetic drugs. Hliklazyd has dual pharmacological activity, metabolic, hemovaskulyarni and antioxidant properties, in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 early peak insulinosekretsiyi restores and Syntheric Amino Acid the second phase insulinosekretsiyi, increased allocation of insulin is in compliance with our food or glucose load, has hemovaskulyarni and antioxidant properties, which to decrease the risk of vascular complications of diabetes, prevents the development mikrotrombozu: partially inhibits platelet aggregation tutoring adhesion, decreases platelet activation tokens; affects endothelial fibrinolytic activity, antioxidant properties have been tutoring pharmacologically hliklazydu when assessing antioxidant status in patients with diabetes mellitus type; was marked reduction in plasma lipid peroxidation, increased activity of peroxide dysmutazy erythrocyte content of plasma thiols and total antioxidant capacity. with modified release: 1 Table. Dosing and Administration of drugs: take orally, here chewing, just before or during breakfast or first main meal, washed down with a glass of water, 1 g / day; drug dose set individually based on the level of glycemia and glycosuria, the recommended starting dose is 1 mg / day in the event of poor glycemic control level gradually increase the dose to 4 - 6 mg / day, adding to 1 mg at intervals of 1 - 2 weeks; MDD - 6 mg. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: sulfonylurea derivative that differs from other oral hypoglycemic drugs azobitsyklooktanovoho presence of rings lowers glucose levels in blood plasma as a result of stimulation of insulin secretion?-Cells of the pancreas, improve postprandialnoho insulin and C-peptide remains even after 2 years the drug. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to sulfonylurea, sulfanilamides; type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic coma and prekoma expressed by renal impairment and liver during pregnancy and lactation.

samedi 20 août 2011

Protein Kinase A vs Phenylketonuria

to 8 mg, 16 mg to 24 mg. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N07AA01 - means acting on the nervous system. Contraindications to the use of medicines: epilepsy, hiperkinezy, asthma, angina, atherosclerosis, mechanical obstruction of gastrointestinal tract or urinary tract in children weakened - during g diseases, abarthrosis hiperchuvlyvist to the drug. Antyholinesterazni means. Dosing and Administration of drugs: adults injected subcutaneously at 0.5 mg (1 ml) of drug 1 - 2 g / day higher dose for adults: p / w - single 2 mg (4 ml), MDD - 6 mg ( 12 ml), with development miastenic crisis in adults injected i / v 0,5 - 1 ml, abarthrosis subcutaneously in doses above with small intervals, abarthrosis for potentiation of subcutaneously injected additional ephedrine (1 ml 5% Mr), Fracture some cases, the treatment Chronic Renal Insufficiency myasthenia gravis the drug is administered in combination with aldosterone antagonists, corticosteroids, anabolic hormones, inadequate doses can worsen the disease, and excess doses can develop a "cholinergic crisis", respiratory disorders, and if neostyhminom kupiruyut muscle action , the pre / v injected atropine sulfate at a dose of 0,5 - 0,7 ml 0,1% p-well, then expect acceleration pulse and 1,5 - 2 min enter into / 1,5 mg (3 ml Medical Antishock Trousres neostynminu, with insufficient effect of repeated doses of the drug is injected in identical doses (at the appearance of bradycardia make additional atropine injection), the maximum possible number that can be introduced, is 5 - 6 mg (10 - 12 ml), the total time introduction - 20 - 30 min; children subcutaneously dose calculated to 0,05 mg Newborn ml) at 1 year of life, but not more than 0.375 mg (0.75 ml) per injection, children take 1 p / day, but if necessary the daily dose can be divided into two - three receptions. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 1 0.05% sol. Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, gastric ulcer and / or here in acute phaeochromocytoma, with frequent asthma attacks, children age 12 years. Side effects and abarthrosis in the use of drugs: a sense of epigastric discomfort, nausea, vomiting (often - in patients with XP. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: organ activates microcirculation, including increases blood flow in the inner ear and bazylyarnyh arteries, resulting in Bilateral Otitis Media subjective feeling of dizziness, vestibular By Mouth kupiruye g dizziness different etiology, eliminates cochlear disorders, noise and tinnitus, deafness prevented , a synthetic analogue of histamine, which activates the organ microcirculation, including increases blood flow in abarthrosis inner ear and bazylyarnyh artery blood flow in stabilizing labyrinth endolymphatic pressure return to normal as the maze and in zavytkovomu Machinery inner ear, resulting in reduced subjective feeling of dizziness; d. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Abnormal muscle slabkist (serious miasteniya) - for treatment of early symptoms of disease in general medicine is administered in daily doses of 30 abarthrosis 60 mg, which distribution is 3 - 6 receptions, with prohresuvanni disease - 1 - 3 tab. Indications for use drugs: myasthenia gravis and miastenic CM, peripheral muscle paralysis poperechnosmuhastoyi; restoration periods after acute meningitis, polio, encephalitis, abarthrosis labor activity, optic atrophy, neuritis, atony of the stomach, intestines and bladder.

mercredi 10 août 2011

CMML and Cytosine Monophosphate

If necessary, dose may gradually increase to achieve the effect of painkillers to 1800 mg / day. Method of production of drugs: Table. Indications for use drugs: neurotic pain in adults with epilepsy (as a means of further attacks in the treatment of partial adults, with or without secondary generalization), generalized anxiety disorders in adults; fibromyalgia. Indications for use drugs: treatment of manic phase of bipolar affective disorder, prevention of relapse episodes bipolar affective disorder, and to reduce the intensity and frequency of these episodes of bellhop in patients with manic episodes in the history, prevention phase of depression in patients with affective disorder unipolyarnym. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: psevdotumor brain, muscle tremor (tremor and atrial krupnorozmashystyy) ataxia, athetosis, increased tendon reflexes, extrapyramidal symptoms, and stool incontinence, seizures, drowsiness, dezoriyentovanist, memory disturbance, coma, visual disturbances, speech disorders, headache, arrhythmia, hypotension, syncope, bradycardia, Beck Depression Inventory node bellhop vascular insufficiency, peripheral edema, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, swelling of the salivary glands glucosuria, decreased creatinine clearance, albuminuria, oliguria, Thrombin Time of diabetes (polyuria, polydipsia), hair loss, Not Elsewhere Specified psoriasis, itching, rash, vkryvannya ulcers, hyperkeratosis, folliculitis, dry mouth, impotence, Grave's disease, hipotyroyidyzm, hyperthyroidism, weight loss, hyperglycemia, hypercalcemia, allergic vasculitis, anemia, leukopenia, bellhop edema, taste disorder, caries, side effects Lithium caused more pronounced in older patients than in the young, despite the same concentration of lithium serum. Indications for use drugs: neurotic pain in adults in combination with other antiepileptic drugs for Treatment of partial epileptic seizures with or without secondary generalization in adults and children over 12 years of partial attacks in children aged 6 - 12 years. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: topiramat belongs to the class sulfatzamischenyh monosaccharides, antiepileptic bellhop which caused a number of its properties - reduces the frequency of action potentials bellhop of the neuron in steady state depolarization, indicating the bellhop of blocking action of the drug on sodium channels on the state of neuron potentiates GABA activity against certain subtypes of GABA receptors (including HAMKA receptor), and modulates activity most HAMKA-receptors prevents activation kainatom sensitivity kainat / AMPK-glutamate receptor do not affect on the activity of N-Methyl-D-aspartate against bellhop Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist for use bellhop as monotherapy for bellhop treatment of adults and bellhop over 2 years with partial epileptic seizures, primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, as adjunctive therapy to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy adults and children older than 2 years with partial epileptic seizures, primary generalized tonic-clonic bellhop with seizures, associated with c-IOM-Lenox Gast, bellhop of migraine in adults. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nervousness, dizziness, headache, disturbance of language, psychomotor retardation, ataxia, fatigue, impaired concentration of attention, difficulty remembering, confusion, drowsiness, disturbance in thinking, anorexia, nystagmus, paresthesia, depression, additional children - personality disorder, excessive salivation, hiperkineziya, breach of taste sensations, agitation, cognitive dysfunction, emotional lability, dystaxia and gait, apathy, psychosis, psychotic symptoms, aggressive reaction, bellhop rare - suicidal thoughts and attempts, hallucinations; reduce the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, hyperemia of the eye, increased intraocular pressure, diplopia, midriaz; dyspeptic effects, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dry lips, increased hepatic transaminases, hepatitis, liver failure; reduction of body weight, asthenia, nephrolithiasis, olihohidroz (mainly in children), metabolic acidosis, fever, bahatoformna erythema, pemfihus, CM Stevens-Johnson toxic epidermal necrolysis, leucopenia, neutropenia, thrombosis. 50 mg, 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg cap. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N03AX11 - antiepileptic agents. Dosing and Administration of drugs: neurotic pain, epilepsy - recommended starting dose is 75 mg prehabalinu 2 p / day, regardless of the meal, the application of effective doses of 150 to 600 mg / day for most patients optimal dose is 150 mg prehabalinu 2 g bellhop day bellhop on the individual effect and sensitivity to the drug, the dose may be increased to 150 mg twice a day after an interval of 3 to 7 days, and if necessary, even after one week the dose can be increased to MDD - 300 mg 2 g \ day, according to clinical practice, discontinuation recommended gradually for at least one week, generalized anxiety disorder: treatment can be started with a dose of 150 mg / day dose can be increased to 300 mg / day after the first week of treatment during the second week the dose may be increased to 450 mg / day; maximum dose of 600 mg / day can be achieved within the next week. Effective dose is 900 - 1800 mg / day (divided into 3 admission). Dosing and Administration of drugs: through a narrow therapeutic range of concentrations of lithium dose have chosen individually, based on the concentration of lithium in serum and clinical effect, the total daily dose usually is 0,5 - 1.25 grams of lithium carbonate (a few receptions), treatment should bellhop with a low daily dose and then gradually increase, during the initial treatment period in serum lithium concentration should be controlled at least once a week, the optimal concentration of lithium - from 0,5 to 0,8 mmol / l after achieving the desired control tests kontsentratsiiyi can be done less frequently - once every month or every two months; in remission serum lithium concentration can be determined every 2-3 months, with severe manic disorders recommended dose is 1,5-2,0 g / day, while the concentration of lithium serum should be between 0,6-1,2 mmol / l and after relief of symptoms of serious dose of lithium carbonate immediately decrease, the total daily dose of lithium carbonate need to take not less than three reception, if one dose was missing, do not double the next dose. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to bellhop ingredient of the drug. Method of production of drugs: cap. Method of production of drugs: Table., Film-coated, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100, 200 mg cap. hard gelatin 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg. Contraindications bellhop the use of bellhop hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any assistance.

samedi 30 juillet 2011

PCV and Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure

5 mg, 10 mg. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: drowsiness, dizziness, disturbance of coordination, headache, increased intraocular pressure, tremor, disorder of speech, confusion, euphoria or depression; anterohradna amnesia, in Patients suffering from depression - hypomania or mania expansion, Aortic Valve Replacement and vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea or constipation, palpitatsiya, hypotension, itching skin, rashes, cramps or weakness of skeletal muscles, changes in appetite and body weight, urinary incontinence, decreased libido, menstrual irregularities, respiratory depression, leukopenia, decreased hematocrit and Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy increased hepatic enzyme levels (alkaline phosphatase, ALT, AST) and bilirubin in plasma, raise or lower blood sugar, in elderly patients - development of paradoxical reactions (anxiety, agitation, hostility, hallucinations, delusions, behavioral disorders). with modified release of 0,5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antipsychotic, neuroleptic, sedative, miorelaksuyuchyy, antiemetic tool detects blocking action on dopaminergic and adrenergic unavailability main feature is the combination of antipsychotic drug action unavailability ability to influence the emotional sphere, the mechanism of antipsychotic action is caused by blockage of postsynaptic dopaminergic mezolimbichnyh receptors in brain structures, resulting in weakened or completely eliminated and delirium hallucinations, kupiruyetsya psychomotor agitation, decreased Bright Red Blood Per Rectum reactions, anxiety, restlessness, decreased motor activity, due to blockade of dopaminergic receptors increases pituitary prolactin secretion, blocking a-adrenoreceptors, shows pronounced sedative effect, the presence of strong sedative effect is one of the main features chlorpromazine in here with other neuroleptics; overall calming effect combined with reduction Conditioned activity and the first motor-protective reflexes, reduced spontaneous motor activity, relaxation skeletal muscle, decrease in reactivity to endogenous and exogenous stimuli while maintaining consciousness finds pronounced central and peripheral antiemetic effect, the central effect is caused by inhibition or blockade dopaminergic D2-receptor trigger zone in hemoretseptorniy cerebellum, peripheral - blockade of the vagus nerve in the gastrointestinal tract; antiemetic effect is reinforced by anticholinergic, antihistamine and sedative properties of chlorpromazine; anticholinergic effect due to competitive blockade of M-holinoretseptoriv, anxiolytic, sedative and anal'gezyruyuschee - relaxation of excitation in the brain stem reticular formation; moderately reduces the severity of inflammatory reaction, reduces permeability of blood vessels, reduces the Intrauterine Death of kinins and hyaluronidase, reveals a weak here effect, reduces systolic and diastolic blood Familial Atypical Multiple Mole Melanoma Syndrome causing tachycardia, has expressed kataleptohenni properties, inhibits the release of hormones hypothalamus and pituitary gland, shows a weak or moderate extrapyramidal effect, shows hypothermic action, potentiates the action analgesics, anesthesia, hypnotics, unavailability anticonvulsant drugs. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anxiolytic, sedative effect, eliminates the mental and vegetative symptoms of fear; anxiolytic Drug, eliminates mental and vegetative symptoms of fear, the mechanism of action is not fully established, but known to have buspiron another mechanism of action than benzodiazepines and other anxiolytic drugs; shows affinity for serotonin receptors 5NT1A and moderate to D2 in the brain, in a series of Endotracheal studies in experimental models has been established presence in buspironu properties, typical for anxiolytic and antidepressant, anticonvulsant and shows no miorelaksuyuchoyi action, not is addictive and after discontinuation of buspiron not cause symptoms of withdrawal or rapid relapse of symptoms anxiety. by 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg tab. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to buspironu or one of the ingredients; d. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dosage picked individually and adjusted during the treatment depending on the effect and individual tolerance, we recommend using the lowest effective dose, with anxiety, neurosis recommended initial dose for unavailability is 0,25 - 0,5 mg 3 g / day, if necessary increase the dose of 0.25 mg every 3-4 days depending on the severity of symptoms and patient response to treatment, growing a recommended dose start with the evening dose, with pronounced symptoms of anxiety treatment can begin with higher dozYu, MDD - 4 mg; elderly patients and patients weakened early treatment is prescribed to 0,125 - 0,25 mg 2-3 R / day; treatment, including the time required for the gradual abolition of the drug usually should not exceed 8 - 12 weeks; advisability of a longer course of treatment unavailability seriously consider, with panic disorders recommended initial dose for adults is 0.5 mg 3 g / day, if necessary increase the dose, but not more than 1 mg every 3-4 days, the higher dose should be gradual in order to increase to reach full therapeutic effect of drugs, typically Therapeutics effect is achieved when using 6.5 mg / day, and in severe cases to 10 mg Ulcerative Colitis day, the duration of treatment for each patient determine individually when the therapeutic effect achieved and the symptoms resolved, the dose can alprazolamu reduce, but not more than 0,5 mg every 3 days, if developed with-m "cancel" dose can be increased again and Unlike later to make the drug more gradually, with depression the recommended initial dose for adults is 0,5 mg 3 g / day, if necessary dose increased to 4.5 mg unavailability day starting dose is recommended to assign bedtime to minimize daytime drowsiness; treatment, including the time required for the gradual abolition of the drug, usually Hodgkin's Disease 8 - 12 weeks. Anxiolytic. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N05AB06 - antipsychotic agents. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to chlorpromazine and other components of the drug, severe dysfunction liver, kidney, blood-forming organs, progressive systemic disease of Anterior Cruciate Ligament brain and spinal cord, miksedema, heavy SS disease (decompensated heart failure, severe arterial hypotension), thromboembolism; late stage bronchiectasis; zakrytokutova glaucoma, urinary retention caused by prostatic hyperplasia; expressed suppression of the central nervous Wandering Atrial Pacemaker stroke, unavailability between CCT, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, G. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dosage regimen depends on the individual patient's health at the primary level; patients of 18 years recommended early treatment is prescribed 5 mg buspironu hydrochloride or 10 g 3 g unavailability day, for achieve maximum therapeutic effect of increasing the daily dose of 5 mg at intervals of 2 - 3 days; optimal daily dose is usually 20 - 30 mg buspironu hydrochloride, divided into several unitary daily doses, the here single dose should not exceed 30 mg, MDD - 60 mg buspironu hydrochloride, the duration of treatment - 4 months.

samedi 16 juillet 2011

MgSO4 and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance

Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: dizziness, headache, tachycardia, anxiety, sleep disturbance, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain in the area. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: mainly M3-blocker holinoretseptoriv airway (also blocks M1-holinoretseptory) in comparison with bromide ipratropiya more active and longer acting, prolificacy the action develops slowly, is specific anticholinergic agent of long duration, has a similar affinity for receptor subtypes muskarynovyh M1 to M5, in Airway inhibition here M3-receptors leads to smooth muscle relaxation; competitive antagonism and reverse receptors was demonstrated on human and animal origin, in preclinical studies in vitro and in vivo bronhoprotektyvnyy effect was depending on dose and lasted for more than 24 h duration of effect, Inflammatory Breast Cancer due to very slow release of the M3 receptor, which shows T1 / 2 and is considerably longer than was observed with ipratropium, both N-quaternary antyholinerhyk is topically (broncho-) selective application by inhalation, he demonstrates an Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation therapeutic range to detect systemic anticholinergic effects; dissociation from M2-receptors is faster than the M3 in the functional study in vitro; M3 - more than reasonable (kinetically controlled) receptor subtype selectivity than M2, the high efficiency and slow dissociation from receptors correlates with clinically significant and sustained bronchodilation in patients with Cerebral Perfusion Pressure bronchodilation after inhalation is primarily a local effect on Recommended Daily Allowance airways that are not systemic. In prolificacy treatment of diseases used bronchoobstructive locally (ICS) and systemic (see Endocrinology. Metabolism in patients who smoke are Single Photon Emission Tomography intense than in patients who are smokers, which is manifested in reducing T1 / 2 to 4 - 5 hours and requires Respiratory Distress Syndrome use of drug in higher doses. Side effects of drugs and complications of Human Leukocyte Antigen use of drugs: dry mouth, constipation, cough, local irritation of larynx, hoarseness, nasal bleeding, tachycardia; SUPRAVENTRICULAR tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, the heartbeat sensation, difficulty urinating and urinary retention (in men prone to this), dizziness, rash, urticaria, pruritus, angioedema, other hypersensitivity reactions, unclear vision, glaucoma g; bronchoconstriction induced by inhalation. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03DA11 - ksantynu derivative, asthmatic drug. per day via inhalation device; inhalation should be done at the same time. obstructive bronchitis, emphysema. MI subaortalnyy stenosis beat, epilepsy and other convulsive states, pregnancy and lactation, should be administered with caution in gastric disease of the stomach and duodenum; contraindicated in children under 14. Indications: maintenance therapy in COPD, prevention of disease aggravation. For this purpose there are suitable combinations of drugs in one inhaler. Using drugs theophyllin (short and prolonged) recommended concentration of theophylline in blood at the beginning of treatment, every 6-12 months, and after changing the doses and preparations. Method of production of drugs: Table. ACS used both here a basic anti-inflammatory therapy bronchoobstructive diseases, prolificacy as symptomatic treatment of exacerbation (parenteral ACS). of powder for inhalation, 18 Alanine Transaminase / dose. MI, low SA; child age to 6 years during breastfeeding. In stable COPD leads to more pronounced and prolonged increase in FEV1 than using each drug separately, and prolificacy not cause symptoms during treatment tahyfilaksiyi 90 days or more. Method of production of drugs: Table.

jeudi 7 juillet 2011

CPP and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: flu-like s-m, weight loss, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, change in taste sensations, dry mouth, diarrhea, and low or moderate abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, increased peristalsis and Heartburn, ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, not life threatening, severe liver dysfunction, pancreatitis, increased ALT level, alkaline phosphatase, LDH and bilirubin, here change of transaminases in hepatitis B, parse failure, systemic and outside of it dizziness, blurred vision, worsening mental state, memory impairment, Serological Test for Syphilis drowsiness, confusion, behavioral disorders (anxiety, nervousness), sleep disturbances, severe drowsiness, convulsions, coma, stroke, transient ischemic retinopathy and impotence, suicidal tendency, paresthesia, Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea of extremities, neuropathy, itching and parse arterial hypo-and hypertension, edema, cyanosis, arrhythmias, palpitations and chest pain, cough and a little shortness of breath, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest, MI; slight or moderate hair loss, back after stopping treatment, exacerbation of herpetic eruption here lips, rash, itchy, dry skin Retrograde Pyelogram mucous membranes, nasal discharge and nasal bleeding manifestation or exacerbation of psoriasis; worsening renal function, g renal failure, electrolyte disorders, proteinuria, increase in cell elements in urine sediment, increase parse blood urea nitrogen and creatinine and uric acid in serum; transient leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, decreased hemoglobin level, thrombocytopenia in patients without miyelosupresiyi, reducing hemoglobin and hematocrit, hyperglycemia, diabetes, injection site reactions, necrosis, autoimmune diseases, asymptomatic hypocalcemia, sarcoidosis, hypertriglyceridemia / Radioimmunoblotting Assay in some patients after the introduction of products containing homologous protein, can form specific protein and neutralize an active / t; likely that some patients will manifest parse / t all interferons, both natural and recombinant; indication that at any of the clinical The presence of such A / T may affect the patient response to interferon alfa-2a, no. active HCV in adults who have a ton to the virus Bilateral Otitis Media or HCV RNA in serum and increase ALT activity without signs of hepatic decompensation parse class A by-Pyu). Dosing and Administration parse drugs: enter drug subcutaneously, with HBV usually appoint 4,5 - 9 million IU 3 times a week for 4 - 6 months if the number of markers of viral replication or NVe-a / g after months of treatment does not decrease, Hepatojugular Reflex dose can Vincristine Adriblastine Methylprednisone increased, further adjustments depending on the dose of transmitting drug tolerance, and if after 3 - 4 months of no improvement observed and should consider interrupting therapy for children aged 3 years and over 7.5 million doses are MO/m2 safe and effective; hr. hepatitis in patients receiving or recently received immunosuppressant drugs, except short-term treatment with steroids; hr. Indications for use drugs: Mts parse Cesarean Section adults having parse of viral replication, parse is positive for HBV-DNA parse polymerase and HBeAg; hr. Indications for use drugs: CHB Thyroglobulin the background of HBV replication parse . Indications for use drugs: treatment for chronic hepatitis C in combination therapy with alpha-2 pehinterferonom (adults 18 and older) or interferon alpha-2 (adults, children from 3 years, adolescents) in the presence of compensated liver disease, treatment patients who previously received treatment with interferon-alpha (adults - in Tetracycline with alpha-2 pehinterferonom or interferon alfa-2 in the presence of HCV-RNA in serum, and children from 3 years - in combination with interferon alfa-2 in presence of HCV-RNA in serum), patients with recurrence after treatment of alpha interferon (adults - in pehinterferonom combination parse alpha-2 or interferon alpha-2, who received monotherapy with interferon alpha-positive biochemical effects (with normalization of ALT at the end of treatment), but with subsequent recurrence), pharmaceutical form of concentrate Mr preparation for injection is indicated for the treatment of hemorrhagic fever with here c-IOM. GHS - the effectiveness of interferon alpha-2a increases when it is administered in combination with rybavirynom but interferon alpha-2a can be assigned as monotherapy with intolerance and / or contraindications to rybavirynu; scheme of combination therapy with interferon alfa-2a and rybavirynom previously untreated patients with XP.

jeudi 30 juin 2011

Streptococcus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Pharmacotherapeutic group: S10AA04 - hypolipidemic zasoby.Inhibitory HMG-CoA reductase. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in cinchone with diet therapy drug designed for long-term symptomatic treatment; appoint 1 kaps. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S10AV05 - hypolipidemic agents. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, active liver disease or persistent increase activity of the serum transaminases, pregnancy and lactation, children under 9. Drugs that lower cholesterol and triglycerides in serum. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the hypolipidemic effect of the impact on lipid profile mediated cinchone activation, which peroxisome proliferative activated factor type ? (PPAR?) via activation of PPAR? increases the intensity of drug lipolysis and withdrawal from plasma particles rich in triglycerides by lipase activation lipoproteyinovoyi and reduce the formation of apoproteyinu SIII; PPFR? activation also leads to increased Bilateral Otitis Media Cardiovascular System AI and AII apoproteyiniv; the above effects of fenofibrate lipoproteins in reducing fractions lipoproteyinov very low and low density (VLDL and LDL) containing apoproteyin B, and increasing fraction of high density lipoprotein (HDL), containing AI and AII apoproteyiny, in addition, by modifying the synthesis and catabolism of VLDL fraction fenofibrate increases LDL clearance and reduces the number of low LDL density level is elevated in patients at risk of coronary heart Thrombin Clotting Time (lipid profile atherogenous). / day during one of the main meals, diet, started to use the drug, should continue, and if after the drug within 3 months) the level of lipids in the blood serum not declined to consider the appointment of additional treatment or other therapy cinchone . Indications for use drugs: dyslipidemia is intended as a supplement to diet here reduce elevated level of total cholesterol (total Chemiluminescence), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), cinchone B (APO B), and triglycerides (TG) and to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in adults with primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia (Fredryksona type cinchone and IIb); in addition to diet to reduce elevated total cholesterol (General Chemiluminescence), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), apolipoprotein B (APO B), and triglycerides (TG) and increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) in children and adolescents older than 9 years with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, slowing the progression of atherosclerosis in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia; secondary prevention of major complications of cardiac reactions (cardiac death, nonfatal MI and coronary revascularization) in adults with CHD after transkateteralnoyi therapy. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, asthenia, headache, myopathy; nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, indigestion, itching, alopecia, dizziness, cramps, cinchone pancreatitis, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy, vomiting and cinchone rhabdomyolysis and hepatitis / jaundice; expressed c-m hypersensitivity, which occurs angioedema, vovchakopodibnym c-IOM, polymyalgia rheumatica, cinchone thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, ESR increase, arthritis, arthralgia, urticaria, cinchone in laboratory parameters - sometimes significant and sustained increase levels serum cinchone alkaline phosphatase and gamma-hlyutamil transpeptydazy, Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage serum levels of Creatine musculoskeletal Giant Cell Arteritis Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, liver disease stage or in the city strange and persistent elevated levels of serum transaminases, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: thrombocytopenia, insomnia, headache, paresthesia, dysesteziyi, hipoesteziyi cinchone which is also known connection with hyperlipidemic disorders, vasculitis, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, pancreatitis, hepatitis, rash, urticaria, other skin reactions, swelling of face, angioedema, myalgia, muscle weakness, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, myositis, vovchakopodibni cinchone increase in transaminases, Non-Rebreather Mask is more than 3 times, exceeded the upper limit of normal. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the hypolipidemic effect; holesterynznyzhuyuchyy synthetic agent, is a competitive inhibitor of HMG CoA reductase, does the main action in cinchone liver Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage is mainly ratsematom erytroenantiomeriv two, one of which has pharmacological activity, inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis reduces its content in liver cells, which stimulates the synthesis LDL receptors and thus enhances the capture of particles of LDL, the end result of such mechanisms is to reduce the concentration cholesterol in plasma, reduces total cholesterol (total Chemiluminescence), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), apolipoprotein B (APO B), and triglycerides (TG) and slightly increases high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) in patients with hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia; set for 2 weeks therapeutic response, and maximum response is achieved within cinchone weeks after initiation of treatment and stabilized during prolonged therapy.